Infosecurity News

  1. CISA Announces 2024-2026 Strategic Plan

    The US’ leading cybersecurity agency calls for us to “embody the hacker spirit” in its latest strategic plan

  2. Sophisticated Phishing Exploits Zero-Day Salesforce Vulnerability

    Guardio Labs detected the campaign and detailed its findings in a technical blog post

  3. Microsoft Warns of Growing Cyber-Threats to Sporting Events

    Microsoft observed attackers continually attempting to compromise connected systems at the 2022 World Cup

  4. Credentials Account For Over Half of Cloud Compromises

    Google Cloud figures also point to misconfiguration

  5. Legacy Flaws Dominate Top 12 Vulnerabilities List

    Security agencies urge timely patching

  6. UK Government: Cyber-Attacks Could Kill or Maim Thousands

    Risk assessment predicts critical infrastructure attacks could cost billions

  7. Hacktivist Collective “Mysterious Team Bangladesh” Revealed

    Group-IB said the group carried out 750 DDoS attacks and more than 70 website defacements in a year

  8. Cisco Talos Discusses Flaws in SOHO Routers Post-VPNFilter

    Over the last five years the firm reported and mitigated 141 advisories, encompassing 289 CVEs

  9. Microsoft Teams Targeted in Midnight Blizzard Phishing Attacks

    The Russia-based actor exploited compromised Microsoft 365 tenants owned by small businesses

  10. Cyber-Attacks Targeting Government Agencies Increase 40%

    BlackBerry found that public services now rank as the second most targeted industry by threat actors

  11. Menlo Leverages Advanced Technology to Combat Surging Browser Threats

    Menlo Security co-founder highlights the challenge relating to web browser security and how to overcome them

  12. Humans Unable to Reliably Detect Deepfake Speech

    Research from UCL finds that humans struggle to identify deepfake audio

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